CTAA is a group of more than 500 scientists, engineers, technicians, academics, students, contractors, consultants and suppliers involved in the technology and technology transfer of information regarding the design, research and performance of flexible pavements. Membership includes individuals from throughout Canada, the United States and overseas.
Since the Association’s inception in 1955, an annual conference has been held. This Canadian conference alternates cities from east to west each year. Typically, 350 to 450 delegates attend the four-day technical conference. Some twenty-five papers are presented on various asphalt-related topics. The conference includes numerous social functions, a major banquet with entertainment and a comprehensive spousal program. Arguably, it is one of the best-attended and highest profile conferences in Canada.
A list of all papers presented at previous CTAA conferences may be downloaded by subject or author here. The most common paper subjects and contributing authors are also provided.