Each year, during the Annual conference, the Canadian Technical Asphalt Association recognizes authors and presenters with specific awards. Beginning in 2006, CTAA recognized students through a scholarship program. See below for more information.
The Elaine Thompson Award is given to any author(s) as an appreciation of excellence in the written presentation of the submitted paper. The Editor evaluates the paper with specific guidelines and criteria and selects a winner.
The Norman W. McLeod Award is given to a presenter for their excellence in oral presentation. The Award winner is selected by participants at the annual CTAA conference by a confidential voting process.
The Earl Kee Award is for the best paper presented by a new author. The definition of a ‘new author’ will be taken to mean documented author of the subject paper who is making their first oral presentation at the annual CTAA Conference. To qualify for the Award, the new presenter shall complete the entire presentation. The Selection Committee consists of 3 members at large appointed by the Board of Directors.