Remember if you paid the non-member fee to attend the Conference online you had your membership for the remainder of the 2020 membership year (i.e. to December 31/20).
Notices for your 2021 General Membership annual dues have been e-mailed as of January 7th to all. Please take advantage of the early bird payment discount by using the code (Promo2021) as described in the renewal email.
Members needing to pay by cheque are asked to ensure that a copy of the invoice number accompany all payments to ensure payment is applied to the correct member’s account. Also, please make sure the Association’s new address in West Kelowna is used – as will be shown on the invoice or via the website.
Members whose fees are not paid will get further email reminders. If you have not paid by March 30th you will lose access to the member’s area. The Board approved membership fees in November to stay at $200 with an incentive to pay early with the discount that effectively keeps the dues at the 2012 level! Please read your reminder email for details.
Please consider encouraging colleagues and associates that you think can benefit from membership in the Association to apply for membership. New membership applications are accessed from the member’s area tab on the website.
When renewing your membership please ensure your information is accurate.
Sustaining Membership renewals will be emailed on January 14th to Sustaining Member contacts. Please remember your General and Sustaining memberships are separate memberships. We will attempt to contact Sustaining members who have not renewed by mid-February – remember you can add your Assistant to your profile to assure they also receive all the emails sent to you, including renewal reminders with the direct link which can allow them to pay the dues for you.
Please remember your personal (General) membership is separate from your companies Sustaining Membership.
Sustaining Member logos are available for Sustaining Member Companies to use, if you have not been provided the logo, contact – these logos are intended to be used by Sustaining member companies to promote their support of the Association and Industry.